Fastest CPU for my motherboard ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter leegold
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I have a:

Slot 1
PIII 500 512K L2 cache
Intel 440BX chip set

What's the fastest CPU I could swap in?

leegold said:
I have a:

Slot 1
PIII 500 512K L2 cache
Intel 440BX chip set

What's the fastest CPU I could swap in?


Intel "Katmai" PIII 600/512/100. 2.05v SL3JM Slot1

Am I correct ?
leegold said:
I have a:

Slot 1
PIII 500 512K L2 cache
Intel 440BX chip set

What's the fastest CPU I could swap in?

The specifications for your mainboard will tell you something. But
you might be able to tell lots more by reading the most recent BIOS
update text/README file. That information probably can be found on
your mainboard manufacturer's web site.

You might need to know the model number/designation of your
mainboard. Unless maybe you know where to locate the latest BIOS

Others might know better about Intel systems.
You might be able to go faster than 600 if you use something called a
slotket. It is basically the housing for the cpu without the cpu.You can
then put a Socket Pentium 3 in the Slotket. It depends on your motherboard
which bus type. 100 or 133
Don't know why you would bother though.
You'd get much better information if you could identify the mainboard.
(Sisoft Sandra might help.)

For example: I ran a Slot 1, 133 MHz FSB 1 GHz PIII (7.5X133, Coppermine) on
a BX board (Soyo 6BA+IV). The 133 MHz FSB wasn't approved by Intel, but the
board included memory dividers so that everything except for the AGP slot
was run within specifications. (The graphics card, a Geforce 4 ti 4200, was
stable with the AGP slot at 89 MHz.) There was also a 100 MHz FSB 1 GHz PIII
(10X100), which would run without overclocking on some 440BX boards.

Note that there are at least two Slot 1 CPU retention mechanisms. The SECC2
one for the newer CPUs is quite different from the original one, and isn't
really compatible with it. (The retention brackets can be swapped out, if
you can come up with one.) I don't recall which version the PIII 500 was
most likely to use.

That leaves off the newer CPUs that could be used with a Socket 370 to Slot
1 adapter ("slotket").

Don't spend too much time or money on this.

Address scrambled. Replace nkbob with bobkn.
leegold said:
I have a:

Slot 1
PIII 500 512K L2 cache
Intel 440BX chip set

What's the fastest CPU I could swap in?

Probably a 1000 mhz, but check your motherboard's website for the specs.
They should have a CPU-compatibilty list available. Stick with an FSB 100
CPU unless you have a good reason to go 133, as the 440BX-chipset spec does
not include FSB 133.
Slot 1 ? I thought they died out years ago, time to get into the 20t
century, for a grand you get the lot, probably 20 times faster a
they come out of the box

Geez my slowest system is a Dual with 2 X PIII - 1.4g Tualtin cpu'
"not Celerons" on a Tyan board with onboard Promise rai
and O/B sound, with 1Gb of PC-133 SDRAM memory, it still does OK an
keeps many honest

Probably a 550 mhz