I'm assuming its the 2800XP, as I don't think the board supports the 333
fsb chips. Or does it? I'm getting conflicting info off the web. Thanks.
KT400 can support 333 fsb CPU,
Whether your particular motherboard has "official" support or not
is another matter. You failed to mention that board make/model
so check the manufacturer's bios notes, consider updating the
bios with current/old CPU in it... Odds are you can run any 333
fsb chip, and "maybe" even a slightly o'c bus for a 400 fsb chip.
That is even without the updated bios but it could be useful to
do so for proper XP name-ID and other bug fixes.
Google searching your particular make/model/revision of board
may turn up reports of particular CPUs being tried.
Also there may be a lot of info found by searching with
motherboard model name as a keyword at
Also you might check the motherboard manual and bios for the FSB
settings, to see what it already allows. However, not seeing 333
isn't necessarily a sign that it's not supported, but SEEING it
would be a fair indicator of what you'd need to change to get CPU
running at correct default speed if motherboard doesn't set that