This is the full code below... it was my solution to my previous post that
nobody was able to help me with. In a nutshell, I define data arrays from
ranges on my excel sheet. Then I go about shifting the data 1 row down,
calculate this lambda value, and 1compare to the engine lambda by the
correlation function. I look for the shift that maximizes the correlation
function. The problem is, if I allow 10 or more shifts in data, it's
(10+1)^3 calculations that need to happen to fill my arrCorrel array. By far
the longest process is calculating the lambda value. Would pasting the
calculated lambda somewhere to do the calculations be faster?
Function DataAdj(LastRow As Double)
LR = LastRow - 12
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
NumShifts = 10
ReDim arrCorrel(1 To (NumShifts + 1) ^ 4)
ReDim arrCO(1 To LR)
ReDim arrNOx(1 To LR)
ReDim arrHC(1 To LR)
ReDim arrO2(1 To LR)
ReDim Lambda_calc(1 To LR)
ReDim Lambda_engine(1 To LR)
ReDim arrayA(1 To LR)
ReDim arrayB(1 To LR)
ReDim arrayC(1 To LR)
ReDim arrayD(1 To LR)
ReDim arrayE(1 To LR)
ReDim arrayF(1 To LR)
ReDim arrLambda(1 To LR)
arrCO = Application.Transpose(Range("G13:G" & LastRow))
arrHC = Application.Transpose(Range("F13:F" & LastRow))
arrNOx = Application.Transpose(Range("J13:J" & LastRow))
arrO2 = Application.Transpose(Range("K13:K" & LastRow))
Lambda_engine = Application.Transpose(Range("O13:O" & LastRow))
Count = 1
MaxValue = 0
For i = 0 To NumShifts
For j = 0 To NumShifts
For k = 0 To NumShifts
For l = 0 To NumShifts
For ii = 1 To LR - NumShifts
arrayA(ii + i) = arrCO(ii + i) / 10 ^ 4
arrayB(ii + j) = arrHC(ii + j) / 10 ^ 4
arrayC(ii + k) = arrNOx(ii + k) / 10 ^ 4
arrayD(ii + l) = arrO2(ii + l) / 10 ^ 4
arrayE(ii) = 4 / 3 * arrayA(ii + i) + 18 * arrayB(ii
+ j) - (2 * arrayD(ii + l) + arrayC(ii + k))
arrayF(ii) = 0.5 * arrayC(ii + k) + arrayD(ii + l) -
(2 / 3 * arrayA(ii + i) + 9 * arrayB(ii + j))
If arrayF(ii) >= 0 Then
arrLambda(ii) = 1 + arrayF(ii) * 2 / (1 + 0.25 *
1.9 - 0.5 * 0.02) / (100 - 4.79 * arrayF(ii))