Using VS.NET I am wondering what methods developers use to deploy ASP.NET
website content to a remote server, either using FTP or network file copy.
Ideally there would be a one-button or one-key-chord way to upload a single
file or a single site.
In Dreamweaver, you can hit "Control-Shift-U" to upload a single file to the
remote site you have configured. This is extremely handy when you're doing
quickie fixes and development, more handy than the VS.NET "Copy Website"
tool. I wish VS.NET had a similar feature, or I wish I understood how to set
it up to do something like this.
An alternative would be if I could somehow set up a macro bound to a key
sequence that would synchronize a site.
I recognize this runs a bit against the grain of VS.NET's emphasis on
quality code and development practices, but more people are going to be
replacing Dreamweaver and its ilk with VS.NET, and it would be nice if we
could use the tool in sloppy ways if necessary.
Any suggestions?
website content to a remote server, either using FTP or network file copy.
Ideally there would be a one-button or one-key-chord way to upload a single
file or a single site.
In Dreamweaver, you can hit "Control-Shift-U" to upload a single file to the
remote site you have configured. This is extremely handy when you're doing
quickie fixes and development, more handy than the VS.NET "Copy Website"
tool. I wish VS.NET had a similar feature, or I wish I understood how to set
it up to do something like this.
An alternative would be if I could somehow set up a macro bound to a key
sequence that would synchronize a site.
I recognize this runs a bit against the grain of VS.NET's emphasis on
quality code and development practices, but more people are going to be
replacing Dreamweaver and its ilk with VS.NET, and it would be nice if we
could use the tool in sloppy ways if necessary.
Any suggestions?