Fast User Switching is VERY slow



After more than a year with an xp pro computer (3ghz, 512 meg ram, big
hard drive), I decided to create user accounts so that my wife and son
can have their own desktops. I enabled Fast User Switching but have
found that actually swtiching from user to user is extremly slow.
When I try to switch from one user to another, it can take more than a
minute to bing up the other user's desktop. It doesn't seem to matter
how many programs are already open -- it's just extremly slow.

What can I do to fix this annoyance?


Thanks. It seems to work better if I close Outlook before switching.
But this also seems to defeat the purpose of fast swtiching. One of
the reasons I enabled fast switching was because my wife and I were
tired of having to close one outlook profile and open another to view
our e-mail. I thought I had a pretty powerful computer, but could
Outlook be taking up that much of my resources? Is there anything I
can do (add RAM, for example), so that I don'thave to close outlook
each time i switch?

Also, when I look down the look of processes that are running at any
one time, it seems there's a lot going on in the background.How can I
sort out what's necessary from what's not?



On 11/4/2004 12:30 PM On a whim, Rich pounded out on the keyboard
I'm still looking for an answer on this. Can anyone help?

I couldn't see your original post so I'm just going by your Subject line.

Do you have enough RAM? Are there network drives you're not connected to
that is causing Explorer to try again and again to connect? Are there a
lot of services that are running as each user that are loading/unloading
each time?


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I have a 3gb dell 8300 with 512 MB of RAM -- should be enough
shouldn't it?

I'm not on a network, so that shouldn't be a problem. Also, I'm not
sure what you mean by "a lot of services"? Could you be more
specific? Usually, I have Outlook on when I switch, and I don't turn
it off because one of the main reasons I turned on FUS was so my wife
and I could easily switch between our Outlook profiles.

Thanks for your help.


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