I have a database with many objects, probably more than 100. I have a
number of complicated queries that involve 5 or 6 tables/queries, and they
used to run quickly, i.e., within a couple of seconds. Now they are taking
upwards of a minute. This does not happen to all of the queries.
Maybe I'm answering my own question by admitting that it's possible that the
now slow queries may use a common query that could be the problem. I'll
check that out, but are there any other reasons why a set of queries would
slow down so much?
number of complicated queries that involve 5 or 6 tables/queries, and they
used to run quickly, i.e., within a couple of seconds. Now they are taking
upwards of a minute. This does not happen to all of the queries.
Maybe I'm answering my own question by admitting that it's possible that the
now slow queries may use a common query that could be the problem. I'll
check that out, but are there any other reasons why a set of queries would
slow down so much?