What do they do that i do not?
To answer that, we would have to know
(1) What web sites you're comparing your web site to.
(2) What your web site it.
There are any number of reasons why a page might load slowly of quickly.
Among them are:
1. Total bytes of content. Includes graphics, Flash, ActiveX Controls, text,
2. Caching. If the resources of a web site are cached, they may not need to
be re-fetched.
3. Scripting. Excessive scripting can slow down the performance of a page.
4. Location. If a page is on your machine, it will load very quickly.
5. Network-related issues. Traffic, proxies, web server, etc.
If you can post a link to the page that performs poorly, we can probably
provide suggestions.
Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Complex things are made up of
Lots of simple things.