Fast Explorer Release 6

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Fast Explorer 2001 release 6 v2.0.6.255
Released: October 16, 2004

This handy utility allows you to manage context menus items of file
objects displayed in a file manager, such as Windows Explorer or any
other application that supports shell's application programming
interface. It's a very simple way to make your often used file actions
quickly accessible.


* Windows 98/Me/2000/XP or later

Download size: 573 kb


Unzip Fast Explorer installation archive to a folder on your hard disk.
Then just run FastExplorer.exe and enjoy.

Note: be sure to uncheck the Enable ActiveX support mark before moving
or removing Fast Explorer application files. This allows the Fast
Explorer shell extension to be properly unregistered with the Registry.

Zo said:
Fast Explorer 2001 release 6 v2.0.6.255
Released: October 16, 2004

Yep. There was some discussion here a while back about GUI leaks when "custom drawn" items were allowed. Alex redid stuff (fixing a couple of other things too) to fix the leak.

It isn't *totally* fixed but is much improved and should cause no problems to anyone assuming they don't sit there opening/closing context menus all day. Even without the fix, I never had a problem. One of my favorite programs...definitely in the top 10, probably top 5.


dadiOH's dandies v3.05...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at
Yep. There was some discussion here a while back about GUI leaks when
"custom drawn" items were allowed. Alex redid stuff (fixing a couple
of other things too) to fix the leak.

It isn't *totally* fixed but is much improved and should cause no
problems to anyone assuming they don't sit there opening/closing
context menus all day. Even without the fix, I never had a problem.
One of my favorite programs...definitely in the top 10, probably top

OT, dadiOH, I don't know what you did with your OE and/or OE Quotefix
settings, but besides the fact that your sig is fine now, there's no
wrapping at all in your posts, I have to go to my neighbours house to read
the end of each sentence.
Rod said:
OT, dadiOH, I don't know what you did with your OE and/or OE
Quotefix settings, but besides the fact that your sig is fine now,
there's no wrapping at all in your posts, I have to go to my
neighbours house to read the end of each sentence.

Dunno what to tell you, wraps fine for me both with OE and OE + QuoteFix.
This any better? Just to be sure, let's make this line a bit longer. Is
the theing wrapping for you know? Sig still stripped?


dadiOH's dandies v3.05...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at
dadiOH said:
Dunno what to tell you, wraps fine for me both with OE and OE + QuoteFix.
This any better? Just to be sure, let's make this line a bit longer. Is
the theing wrapping for you know? Sig still stripped?

Errr, hate to tell you this, now it wraps fine, but your sig is 'broke'
BTW, I'm using Xnews. To read your previous post (and some of them before),
I had to scroll a mile to the right.
Yep. There was some discussion here a while back about GUI leaks when "custom drawn" items were allowed. Alex redid stuff (fixing a couple of other things too) to fix the leak.

It isn't *totally* fixed but is much improved and should cause no problems to anyone assuming they don't sit there opening/closing context menus all day. Even without the fix, I never had a problem. One of my favorite programs...definitely in the top 10, probably top 5.

Dood, think word wrap.
Errr, hate to tell you this, now it wraps fine, but your sig is 'broke'
BTW, I'm using Xnews. To read your previous post (and some of them before),
I had to scroll a mile to the right.

Perhaps look at adjustments in your Xnews settings.

I'm using Mozilla and Daddio's first post looked just fine: lines
wrapped, sig was omitted in a reply. (Lines wrapped, sig is broken in
his second post.)

Perhaps look at adjustments in your Xnews settings.

I'm using Mozilla and Daddio's first post looked just fine: lines
wrapped, sig was omitted in a reply. (Lines wrapped, sig is broken in
his second post.)

Don't think it's on my end, as I never see this with any other posts, not
even the ones from OE-users. And I checked my settings, and they look fine,
and I see no option to wrap people's posts, just an option to wrap your
Maybe Mozilla fixes this by default. I just saw a reply from a 40tude
Dialog to the first post from dadiOH commenting on the same thing.
Anyway, it's no big deal, I just commented on it because dadiOH had some
sig-problems first, which he fixed. But now there's this issue again.
Don't think it's on my end, as I never see this with any other posts,
even the ones from OE-users. And I checked my settings, and they look
and I see no option to wrap people's posts, just an option to wrap your
Maybe Mozilla fixes this by default. I just saw a reply from a 40tude
Dialog to the first post from dadiOH commenting on the same thing.
Anyway, it's no big deal, I just commented on it because dadiOH had some

sig-problems first, which he fixed. But now there's this issue again.

Maybe Xnews doesn't like quoted printable? Only think I can think of.
Rod said:
Errr, hate to tell you this, now it wraps fine, but your sig is
'broke' again.......
BTW, I'm using Xnews. To read your previous post (and some of them
before), I had to scroll a mile to the right.

Well, how about this one. Hope it does both because I'm running out of
options in OE and I have zero desire to switch to another reader. As Susan
suggested, maybe it is your settings? Regardless, let me know what this one


dadiOH's dandies v3.05...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at
Well, how about this one. Hope it does both because I'm running out
of options in OE and I have zero desire to switch to another reader.
As Susan suggested, maybe it is your settings? Regardless, let me
know what this one does.

good wrap/bad sig :(
Don't know how my settings could cause only your posts to wrap bad, and not
the posts from other OE-users.
But like I said before, it's no big deal. So you'd better change it back to
good sig/bad wrap-for-Rod's Xnews, in order to keep the majority satisfied,
I'll scroll to read.
Thanks for your efforts, sorry for the hassle.
dadiOH said:
Well, how about this one. Hope it does both because I'm running out of
options in OE and I have zero desire to switch to another reader. As Susan
suggested, maybe it is your settings? Regardless, let me know what this one

The sig delimiter was missing the space in this one. But, the hard breaks
of the lines are in there. The post that Rod was talking about, which was
missing all hard breaks, that would be a problematic setting. For example.
My reader is designed to not change quoted text, not insert breaks into
someone else's text, so if I quoted that message, it would come out one
continuous line for each paragraph, with a single quote marker at the
beginning. Eg
Yep. There was some discussion here a while back about GUI leaks when "custom drawn" items were allowed. Alex redid stuff (fixing a couple of other things too) to fix the leak.

DadiOH, quick note on the original topic. I am very pleased on the news,
about the intriguing FE utility having been improved. Esp since I might be
able to flick on those coolio colored submenus. (I've just been holding off
posting anything on FE until I've spent some time in-depth with the new
release; and also still have intention to do some research on which progs
succeed, and which fail, to execute when called via the FE DLL)
Rod said:
good wrap/bad sig :(
Don't know how my settings could cause only your posts to wrap bad, and not
the posts from other OE-users.
But like I said before, it's no big deal. So you'd better change it back to
good sig/bad wrap-for-Rod's Xnews, in order to keep the majority satisfied,

From the Agent users camp, I vote for good wrap/bad sig.
I'll scroll to read.

Hm, well, I did like picturing how you has to go to your neighbor's house
to read the end of each sentence.
From the Agent users camp, I vote for good wrap/bad sig.

Hm, well, I did like picturing how you has to go to your neighbor's
house to read the end of each sentence.

He wanted his spare key back.
Rod said:
good wrap/bad sig :(
Don't know how my settings could cause only your posts to wrap bad,
and not the posts from other OE-users.
But like I said before, it's no big deal. So you'd better change it
back to good sig/bad wrap-for-Rod's Xnews, in order to keep the
majority satisfied, I'll scroll to read.
Thanks for your efforts, sorry for the hassle.

NP but I'm curious now. Never really paid attention to the options and are not knowledgeable about same but they are...

(a) None (word wrap setable, set to 70)
(b) Quoted Printable (word wrap not setable)
(c) Base 64 - (word wrap not setable)

2. UUENCODE (word wrap setable, set to 70)

The results of some permutations are...
1a (my original) = broken sig, wrap OK(?)
1b (to fix sig) = sig OK, no wrap for you
2 = bad sig, good wrap

The problem you have with 1b seems to be, "A body which is entirely ASCII may also be encoded in Quoted-Printable to ensure the integrity of the data should the message pass through a character- translating, and/or line-wrapping gateway."

It keeps the soft breaks that fixed the broken sig but seems to thwart the line wrapping for you. I don't understand why because, "The Quoted-Printable encoding REQUIRES that encoded lines be no more than 76 characters long." which I take to mean that all lines exceeding that length will be wrapped.

I reverted to 1b since it seems to work OK for most. Haven't tried 1c...anyone know if it keeps soft breaks but also wraps? My "reply to" address is good.


dadiOH's dandies v3.05...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at
["omega"; Thu, 04 Nov 2004 18:31:30 GMT]
From the Agent users camp, I vote for good wrap/bad sig.

Same here in Xnews. Who the heck cares about a signature as compared to
the actual text?
NP but I'm curious now. Never really paid attention to the options
and are not knowledgeable about same but they are...

(a) None (word wrap setable, set to 70)
(b) Quoted Printable (word wrap not setable)
(c) Base 64 - (word wrap not setable)

2. UUENCODE (word wrap setable, set to 70)

The results of some permutations are...
1a (my original) = broken sig, wrap OK(?)

yes, it wrapped OK
1b (to fix sig) = sig OK, no wrap for you
2 = bad sig, good wrap

The problem you have with 1b seems to be, "A body which is entirely
ASCII may also be encoded in Quoted-Printable to ensure the integrity
of the data should the message pass through a character- translating,
and/or line-wrapping gateway."

It keeps the soft breaks that fixed the broken sig but seems to thwart
the line wrapping for you. I don't understand why because, "The
Quoted-Printable encoding REQUIRES that encoded lines be no more than
76 characters long." which I take to mean that all lines exceeding
that length will be wrapped.

I reverted to 1b since it seems to work OK for most. Haven't tried
1c...anyone know if it keeps soft breaks but also wraps? My "reply
to" address is good.

One more thing, quoted from the OE-quotefix homepage:

"The ISO-8859-15 encoding patch by Denis Liégeois must be installed for the
ISO-8859-x signature fix, which is only relevant for OE versions prior to
6.00.2800.1123, to work. Check the downloads section of the OE-QuoteFix

For the 1c question: I have know clue at all.
Aagin, thanks for your efforts.