Fast Copy

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Fast Copy 1.0
Copy a file from one location to another at speed greater than 4Mb/sec
depending upon PC configuration

Other Features:-
1. The file copied never gets deleted if it is not fully copied like in
Windows copyi.e if a Cd conatins errors after 300 Mb Fcopy will copy the
file till 300 Mb & then stop.
2. Particularly useful when tranferring large files from HDD to n/w(or
HDD) or when copying a movie from CD to HDD.
3. Usually copies 30-50% faster than windows.
4. Easy to use.
5. Context Menu integration
Fast Copy 1.0
Copy a file from one location to another at speed greater than 4Mb/sec
depending upon PC configuration

Other Features:-
1. The file copied never gets deleted if it is not fully copied like in
Windows copyi.e if a Cd conatins errors after 300 Mb Fcopy will copy the
file till 300 Mb & then stop.
2. Particularly useful when tranferring large files from HDD to n/w(or
HDD) or when copying a movie from CD to HDD.
3. Usually copies 30-50% faster than windows.
4. Easy to use.
5. Context Menu integration

But the following notice now appears on that site.

The freewares are discontinued for the moment. They will be soon released
as sharewares or will be discontinued.Thanks.

