That level is actually pretty easy

, but you have to
figure it out. If you are one of those keybd beater,
arcade blaster kids, you'll never get past it. You
have to use a little finesse .. that is a big word I
realize ... but it sort of means "intelligence" combined
with a little art. Do this:
1. Open the double doors, and hide in the little area
to the right ... between the doors.
2. Snipe the ape on the bldg over to your left. He's just
standing there. There may be two but not normally.
3. Wait for the first big ape to come on the porch just
in front of you. Move so you can just see his shoulder,
and use the assault rifle to shoot his shoulder until
he goes down. That keeps the next bunch of big apes
from standing too far to the left so they can shoot
you when they come up.
4. Toss grenades to glance off the left side of the door
onto the porch and get the rest of the big apes.
5. Use spotting goggles to spot the Trigen right in the
middle. You can't see him, and he will snipe you if
you stay out more than a few seconds. Remember
where he is. Get the rocket gun ready and quickly
pop out and fire two rockets into the area where
he is. Check with goggles again. He should be gone.
6. Repeat same process to spot another Trigen over
on the bldg to the far left. Again, in and out, and
pop him with the rocket gun. He's too quick to snipe.
7. Check for any more Trigens with goggles. They
should be gone. Move out and check for last big
ape below. Just see his head, and pop him with
the assault rifle.
8. Now move down and across to the rear bldg. A
big ape will come out. Pop him while running back
in the rocks using the assault rifle. Now go to the
center and take a lift up to the main tower. Take
walkway back to roof of rear bldg. Go slow. Lots
of Mercs. You have a save about there, so rest is
just banging Mercs.
9. Oh yes. Valerie. I've already saved her.