johns said:
Why don't you try speaking English, so I can understand
what you have?
Oddly enough I understood *everything* in the original poster's message,
but not so much in yours.
I think most people "in the know" realize that a "Barton" is an AMD
Athlon XP CPU with the newest core (333MHz FSB and 512k L2 cache.)
Why are you running
on W98SE? There's your problem. 98 runs mostly in
software mode no matter what hardware you have.
Wow. What the hell are you talking about? I don't even have a response
to this drivel.
have an ATI Radeon 9000 pro, and both the game
and demo run fine. Autodetect put it in low settings
with one medium, but it looks great, and the frame
rate is fine. CPU is AMD 2000XT,
Wait, an AMD 2000XT? What is that? And more importantly, how does that
address the issue the orig poster had with his 9800Pro not performing
like he expects on MAX settings? Basically, all you've said is "Hey, my
hardware is totally different from yours, as well as all my game
settings. But I'm getting what I consider to be acceptable performance
on some unspecified resolution!" How very helpful of you.
Gigabyte mobo,
and 500meg ram.
500meg? Perhaps your mean 512MB, as ram configurations typically occur
in power of 2s.
OS WinXPHome. Am using the
latest catalyst drivers for XP, and that did make a big
difference on the 9000. I've tested a 9200, and the
new drivers are needed there too. I just built a P4
system with an ATI 9600XT, and it autodetected
to medium settings all. Really looks good, esp the
surf and wind in the palm trees and brush. Entire
game moved up a level regards special effects, but
overall, the game play is the same. Something I've
learned over the years doing this. If you have an out
of order weirdie going on, 99% of the time,
I'm sorry. Were you just criticizing the previous poster for not
"speaking English?" Would you care to explain what an "out of order
weirdie" is exactly?
it is something
like the data cable to the hard drive is not fully seated,
or is just bad. I don't know why, but the general apps
and the OS will run normal, but hot games absolutely
will not run if your data cable is bad or noisy.
Wow. Your technical experience must be far and wide-reaching for you to
reach the conclusion that "99%" of "out of order weirdies" are caused by
"hot games" running on bad or noisy hard drive cables that are not fully
seated. No wonder you get to criticize people on usenet, you've
obviously earned the respect of your peers.