A while back I bought a set of i9100 carts from you. I have only just needed
to use them. The photo magenta is slightly odd. Rather than being a
transparent tank, like the rest, it's opaque pink. When I removed the tab,
it dribbled all over the desk and output tray. Needing to finish an urgent
project, I took a gamble and used it and am praying it's not going to harm
anything - so far everything seems to be OK
I was just wondering why it's different - old stock, perhaps?
A while back I bought a set of i9100 carts from you. I have only just needed
to use them. The photo magenta is slightly odd. Rather than being a
transparent tank, like the rest, it's opaque pink. When I removed the tab,
it dribbled all over the desk and output tray. Needing to finish an urgent
project, I took a gamble and used it and am praying it's not going to harm
anything - so far everything seems to be OK
I was just wondering why it's different - old stock, perhaps?