Jan 4, 2003
Reaction score
Replying to threads is a massive problem at the moment whats wrong?

Pages are not loading and at times need refreshing several times
It seems to be working ok here and I can't see anything wrong with the server, is anyone else having these problems?

Does it only happen on replying?
Not sure. All other sites im visiting seem to be loading fine. Here is the problem at present :(

Seems to be ok from this post onward tho

Opps maybe i spoke too soon!!
What exactly happens and I'll see if I can sort it :) Does the site just refuse to post things?
I'm doing a MySQL table check on the database now to see if there is a problem with that, if things keep playing up let me know as it may point me in the right direction :)
Sorry mate taking ages to get an answer to u

If i press reply or edit i have to keep stopping and refrshing page several times before i get the edit or reply screen. Then again it sometimes hangs when posting back i have to copy text i have just written incase it doesnt post
I can't seem to replicate it here, but I'm hunting for this problem. The DB has been checked/optimised now so that should be ok, and I've restart the IIS service about 20 seconds ago.

Let me know if it's ok now, but I'll keep viewing the logs to see why it did it anway :)
Is that why i got the 'service not available message' and the 'PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 7C8224B2' message?
Yup unfortunately so, it seems to happen once a day for about 20 seconds - this time it was induced though. It's probably some bug with the IIS/PHP/etc... combination running on the server but changing it could make things much worse (as I found out a few months ago). As long as the problem is confined for a few seconds a day I'll leave things as they are, but if it does cause trouble or these post problems then I'll have to look at getting a new server (perhaps Linux!).
It's not overly hard to migrate vB over to be honest, it's just anything else running in the background which could be a pain.
Ian, pages taking ages to load & also getting "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"
The site has really slowed down in the last 10-15 minutes:(
Posting anything takes nearly a minute to do so.
Its taking a bit long for me, but nothing that i can notice
I've checked all of the DB's, and the only thing I can think of now is heavy activity from a single IP (i.e. the online count doesn't increase but the activity has spiked). It's getting late here now, so tomorrow I'll check the pagecount for today compared to last friday and see if that was it.
Mines been slow but narrowed it down to NTL being slow...anyone else with this ISP ??
NTL have been constantly maxing out their transit pipes with LINX the past many months, causing great slowdowns on their network.

NTL refuse to upgrade this and as such some end users have noticed.

Sorry if that sounds complex, but there is really only one way to express the issue with NTL & LINX.

LINX = London Internet Exchange
Transit Pipes = Connecting Wires Between Sites / Providers (Bandwidth)