Fantasy Football


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Nearly the start of the season. :)

Is there a Fantasy league this year? :)
I've not made one yet - but if there are enough people then we can get one on the go! I'm hesitant to join in myself as I spend far too long playing it :D.
Think i finished towards the bottom or as i like to think it of as helping you lot to win!!:rolleyes:
@nivrip would you be able to do me a favour and create the league if you're going to be entering it anyway? I want to avoid entering it myself as I'm going to spend far too long managing my team if I do :eek:. If you post the league code up here and I can sticky it as usual :).
Unable to get into the site to set up a league as everything is "being updated" ATM. Will try again shortly.
Had to wait till the games were over to create a PC Review league but finally managed it.

We will have missed the first week but it's the same for all.

Code to join is 2894694-605280.

Please join up in great numbers. :thumb:
Please join up in great numbers. :thumb:
Thanks getting us going Niv. :thumb:

My team this year is "Catastrophics United" ... yes, well, by the end of the season, it will probably prove to be quite appropriate.

Good luck everyone. :D
Well it's a BIG league so far with just 3 of us!!:eek:
Come on folks your support is needed, even if you dont know much about football, join!!