i'm doing some pro bono work at a hospital and i've been asked to try to put
together an a2k (or maybe it's going to be a 2003) database. the
investigator's interested in studying childhood obesity. as you would imagine
there's a table that's geared around the patient with one record per patient.
there's a table that's geared around the patient's parent's info w/ one
record per parent. a table geared to record (the same background) data about
the patient's close relatives (siblings, aunt/uncle, grandparents) w/ one
record per close relative. there are some other tables which capture the lab
tests done on the patient at recurring clinic visits.
i haven't asked the folks doing this study this question as yet, but it's
occured to me that the patient him/herself might have a sibling that ends up
being a patient his/herself!!!
things seem a little murky to me at this point....
before thinking of this 'question', i sort of envisaged using the patient's
medical record number as the linking (PK) control spanning the tables cited.
in a certain sense, i viewed the patient's demographic table as the 'mother'
of all tables (since the ones capturing the data for the other persons of
potential interest to the project all 'hooked back' to patient 'him'self).
but what would one do if a sibling were to show up as a patient. would the
same design then be just as applicable?
any deep database thinkers out there feel like chiming in?
together an a2k (or maybe it's going to be a 2003) database. the
investigator's interested in studying childhood obesity. as you would imagine
there's a table that's geared around the patient with one record per patient.
there's a table that's geared around the patient's parent's info w/ one
record per parent. a table geared to record (the same background) data about
the patient's close relatives (siblings, aunt/uncle, grandparents) w/ one
record per close relative. there are some other tables which capture the lab
tests done on the patient at recurring clinic visits.
i haven't asked the folks doing this study this question as yet, but it's
occured to me that the patient him/herself might have a sibling that ends up
being a patient his/herself!!!
things seem a little murky to me at this point....
before thinking of this 'question', i sort of envisaged using the patient's
medical record number as the linking (PK) control spanning the tables cited.
in a certain sense, i viewed the patient's demographic table as the 'mother'
of all tables (since the ones capturing the data for the other persons of
potential interest to the project all 'hooked back' to patient 'him'self).
but what would one do if a sibling were to show up as a patient. would the
same design then be just as applicable?
any deep database thinkers out there feel like chiming in?