I have a column of 6 cells C2:C7), I record the lowest value in C8 with
=min(C2:C7). I then record the number of repeats of C8 in cell C9 with
=countif(C2:C7,C8). D1 has a dollar value let's say $12.00. I want to
distribute proper money amounts in D2
7 whenever one of these cells equals
C8. I had the formula in D2 thru D7 as =if(C2=C8,(D1/C9). That worked fine as
long as there was a value in C2 thru C9. When blank I got #Div0! in the D
cells when corresponding C cells were blank. I thought I had that corrected
with =if(C2=C8,if(C9=0,"",(D1/C9))). Now all my D cells remain blank when my
C2 thru C7 cells are blank. That's good. But, now when C2 has a value, D3
thru D7 show FALSE. Not good. Sorry if I seem to be rambling, I'm new at this.
Question - how do I keep FALSE from showing up, I want all cells without a
value to remain blank.
Thanks for listening.
I have a column of 6 cells C2:C7), I record the lowest value in C8 with
=min(C2:C7). I then record the number of repeats of C8 in cell C9 with
=countif(C2:C7,C8). D1 has a dollar value let's say $12.00. I want to
distribute proper money amounts in D2

C8. I had the formula in D2 thru D7 as =if(C2=C8,(D1/C9). That worked fine as
long as there was a value in C2 thru C9. When blank I got #Div0! in the D
cells when corresponding C cells were blank. I thought I had that corrected
with =if(C2=C8,if(C9=0,"",(D1/C9))). Now all my D cells remain blank when my
C2 thru C7 cells are blank. That's good. But, now when C2 has a value, D3
thru D7 show FALSE. Not good. Sorry if I seem to be rambling, I'm new at this.
Question - how do I keep FALSE from showing up, I want all cells without a
value to remain blank.
Thanks for listening.