Terry Rasmussen
I am receiving a false positive for a severe threat
called Beast (RAT). The detected locations for this
threat are as follows:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.bad ImagePak.badfile
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.bad Content Type text/ImagePak
These registry entries actually belong to an application
called ImagePak which is written and distributed by a
company called Herff Jones. I know this because I am the
current developer responsible for this application.
ImagePak makes these entries in order to register a file
with a BAD extension that it utilizes.
I'd appreciate this false positive being corrected.
ImagePak's webite: http://www.herffjones.com/imagepak/
called Beast (RAT). The detected locations for this
threat are as follows:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.bad ImagePak.badfile
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.bad Content Type text/ImagePak
These registry entries actually belong to an application
called ImagePak which is written and distributed by a
company called Herff Jones. I know this because I am the
current developer responsible for this application.
ImagePak makes these entries in order to register a file
with a BAD extension that it utilizes.
I'd appreciate this false positive being corrected.
ImagePak's webite: http://www.herffjones.com/imagepak/