The only thing that is 'tricking' users is the disconcerting tendency of
some MP supporters to complain that MAS labels Messenger Plus! (the program)
as adware or spyware when MAS DOES NOT DO THAT.
Messenger Plus! is detected as a 'Software ***BUNDLER***' (my emphasis). It
used to be detected as an 'Adware ***BUNDLER***' (my emphasis) but the
wording has been softened. At no time has MAS reported that Messenger Plus!
(the program) as spyware. It has always said that it MP is a ***BUNDLER***
(my emphasis).
In short, Messenger Plus! *does* bundle adware. Its detection as a BUNDLER
by MAS is accurate and an honest representation of reality.
Ever since Patchou first added the Sponsor Program there has been a well
known, often reported, often documented and ongoing problem of people
installing Messenger Plus! without understanding the full implications of
installing the Sponsor Program (despite Patchou's steps to increase
disclosure levels - I personally believe that the steps taken are not
sufficient, but I'm not trying to balance disclosure versus impact on
Anything that increases the level of disclosure about Messenger Plus!'
Sponsor Program, thereby fostering an understanding of what the Sponsor
Program actually is, whilst makes the end result of installing such software
more obvious in light of the recurring problem with people not understanding
why they have lop.com adware, or where it came from, is a good thing. The
same goes for any other freeware/shareware program that bundles adware or
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Sandi - Microsoft MVP since 1999 (IE/OE)