Keve said:
Hello Everyone,
I need your help with a hardware electronics question.
There is a standard PWM 4-pin male connector socket on my motherboard
for case fan. I replaced the factory case fan and CPU fan with a far
more efficient and silent CPU cooler, so now there is nothing connected
to the case fan connector as the case fan is no longer needed.
Because of this, every time the computer boots the POST stops with a
warning "No case fan detected" and I need to press F1 to continue.
And this is bad if I need to reboot the machine remotely, or if it
restarts automatically after a power outage, etc.
There is no BIOS option to ignore this or any other warning.
I need to create an electronic dummy fan, a circuitry that the POST will
accept as a PWM case fan.
PWM pinout specs says:
1 - black wire - GND
2 - yellow wire - 12V
3 - green wire - sense
4 - blue wire - control
Can I just short blue and green to imitate the presence of a PWM fan?
Is that safe to do?
Or do I need to build a circuit that feeds back pulses of signals?
The control signal (blue wire) runs at 25KHz. It is variable pulse width, with
the pulse width in proportion to what speed the computer wants the fan to work at.
If you loop that back to the tacho input, that's a pretty short duration
of pulse. And the thing is, what happens if the PWM duty cycle goes to 100% and
the signal sits at 5V for 100% of the time ? Then, you get no usable pulses
for your RPM signal. (I don't know what all the legal states for that
PWM signal are.)
Intel fan spec for four wire fans (i.e. not a Molex 1x4, the smaller LP4 style fan connector)\specs\REV1_2_Public.pdf (Page 9)
Example of the fan connector from that spec, the small kind.
( )
The tachometer wire, pulses twice per revolution. I'm not sure whether
there is an authoritative standard on what the interface would consist of.
It is likely open collector (as stated in the formfactor doc). The
pullup on the motherboard could be to 12V, to 5V, or some other circuit
along those lines. The 555 may be able to drive something like that,
as long as the output can stand a 12V level on it. The 555 wouldn't have to
sink too much current.
If I was going to connect the PWM output to the RPM input for a test,
I'd probably put a zener across it, along the lines in the following
circuit. I might select a 4.7V zener, to ensure the clipping is
pretty close to 5V, so if there is a 12V pullup resistor on RPM on
the motherboard side, the PWM output is protected from it.
(A loopback circuit, to be used for testing this theory...)
PWM --- 5V, 25KHz, variable width ------+-------- RPM input
/ \ 4.7V zener,
( Zener, white band marking cathode, upwards in diagram )
This web page, shows how to retrofit an RPM signal, to a two wire fan.
So this allows you to add a third wire to a two wire fan, using a
transistor to pick off a signal and convert it to open collector.
On the motherboard, they sometimes have a clipping circuit, to reduce the
potential 12V amplitude of the RPM pulses, to 5V or less for the logic IC
that checks them. If the 555 has an open collector output, that may be
sufficient to do the job. (Or, you can drive a 2N2222 from the 555,
and use the 2N2222 to make the open collector driver. The 2N2222 would
isolate the characteristics of the 555, whatever they are, from the
outside world.)
The motherboard circuit, is sometimes intended to allow the fan tacho
output to swing the full 12V, and then not interfere with it. Something
along these lines. The reason for doing it this way, is some fans may want
a full 12V across their RPM signal output stage, so the transistor
switches properly. Otherwise, I don't see a strong reason for doing it
this way. The pulsed waveform on the left of the series resistor would have
12V amplitude, while the signal on the zener diode side is clipped to 5V.
The series resistor, prevents the clipping of the zener, from pulling
excessively on the 12V pullup resistor. I've seen a circuit like this,
in some Super I/O datasheet (and this drawing is just from memory).
You'd want to find a SuperI/O datasheet, and double check this. So
this is one of the variations, on how the motherboard fan speed input
is designed. The only reason for showing this diagram, is to show
how a motherboard may present 12V to the outside world, but retain
5V compatibility so the SuperI/O isn't damaged.
RPM >-------+--------- resistor -----+------ SuperI/O fan speed input
Open | 5V max input
Collector ===
/ \ approx 5V
--- zener
A motherboard may choose to do it this way, which would be cheaper, but
here, the fan open collector transistor only sees 5V applied to it. This
might not be the best way for the motherboard designer to do it, although
is keeps the SuperI/O chip safe. The pulse amplitude is 5V (at least,
as long as the RPM transistor in the fan can switch properly).
RPM >-------+------------------------------- SuperI/O fan speed input
Open 5V max input
Just make sure you don't apply 12V to the wrong thing