faint or very hard to read words in web sites



I have xp and love this system but ever since I had it it is very hard to
read anything on a site. especially one like microsofts, the blue is so light
its hard to pick up and the letters seem to be such a light grey. what I have
been doing is highlite what i want to read and copy and then send to a word
doc. and it comes out just perfect. Can anyone help me out of this problem>?
I can't seem to find out anything on any of the help items on my computer..As
always thanks..Bob.. Pgh. Pa.


Try turning on Cleartype by going into Control Panel, Display. On the
Appearances tab, click the Effects button and check "Use the following method
to smooth edges of screen fonts", click the dropdown and click on Cleartype.
See if that makes a difference, it did for me.



Wesley Vogel

Changing Web page fonts and background colors
When Web authors and designers create Web pages, they often specify
particular type (font) faces, colors, sizes, and background colors. These
settings are specified for each item, or in a "style sheet," which is a type
of template for specifying how different styles should appear throughout a
Web page or site.

You can override any or all of these settings, which is useful if you have
limited or low vision. You can specify your font and color preferences for
all pages that do not use style sheets, and then you can specify whether to
use any or all of your preferences on pages that use style sheets.

To specify fonts and colors to always use for Web pages
On the Tools menu in Internet Explorer, click Internet Options.
On the General tab, click Accessibility.
Change the settings as needed.

To display Web page text in a different font
In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
On the General tab, click Fonts.
In the Web page font and Plain text font lists, click the fonts you want.

To display Web page text larger or smaller
On the View menu, point to Text Size, and then click the size you want.

Look up accessibility in IE HELP.


Wesley Vogel said:
Changing Web page fonts and background colors
When Web authors and designers create Web pages, they often specify
particular type (font) faces, colors, sizes, and background colors. These
settings are specified for each item, or in a "style sheet," which is a type
of template for specifying how different styles should appear throughout a
Web page or site.

You can override any or all of these settings, which is useful if you have
limited or low vision. You can specify your font and color preferences for
all pages that do not use style sheets, and then you can specify whether to
use any or all of your preferences on pages that use style sheets.

To specify fonts and colors to always use for Web pages
On the Tools menu in Internet Explorer, click Internet Options.
On the General tab, click Accessibility.
Change the settings as needed.

To display Web page text in a different font
In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
On the General tab, click Fonts.
In the Web page font and Plain text font lists, click the fonts you want.

To display Web page text larger or smaller
On the View menu, point to Text Size, and then click the size you want.

Look up accessibility in IE HELP.

Hope this helps. Let us know.



As always thanks guys..that has been a real pain for a long time..so easy to
do also..even now looking at the post it is so clear now..wonder why they
don't set that as a default when they put these things together..anyway thank
you very much..Bob

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