failure to display some graphics



After uninstalling Zone Alarm (a recommended action) I
could no longer bring up certain graphic items. As one
example, The New York times classic puzzle will no longer
appear. Instead, I get a little box with symbol in the
upper left corner of the screen. Another example: when I
go to the US Time Clock at,
the clock no longer appears. Instead, I get the little
box with some sort of symbol, again in the upper left
corner. I suspect that Zone Alarm wiped out a function,
but have no clue what it could be. I'm using Windows XP,
installed by Dell at the factory. The Dell techs have
been unable to recommend a solution. Can anyone help?


D. Ramsey


I am experiencing the same problem. I had installed
automatic updates by microsoft. It seemed that is when it
started happening. It is odd that you mention zonealarm.
I had not uninstalled the product, but with some strange
errors with windows and the updates were for security I
upgraded to zonealarm pro. I have sent microsoft support
and email about this. The site that I can not visit is
the pepsi billions. I can not enter the codes anymore. If
you find out anything please let me know.


I'll be happy to share whatever information I come up
with. I'd appreciate your doing the same.


Sandi Hardmeier

doug said:
After uninstalling Zone Alarm (a recommended action) I
could no longer bring up certain graphic items. As one
example, The New York times classic puzzle will no longer
appear. Instead, I get a little box with symbol in the
upper left corner of the screen. Another example: when I
go to the US Time Clock at,
the clock no longer appears. Instead, I get the little
box with some sort of symbol, again in the upper left
corner. I suspect that Zone Alarm wiped out a function,
but have no clue what it could be. I'm using Windows XP,
installed by Dell at the factory. The Dell techs have
been unable to recommend a solution. Can anyone help?

It sounds like you have a problem with your java install. Check out
the URL below for a possible fix:

Sandi Hardmeier
Microsoft MVP since 1999

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