Hi William Ryan , You say :
" I did it with Both Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2002 .
Both found the incorrect spellings in both instances . "
Some little German guy , Marcus Mönnig ,
wrote a program called _ 40tude Dialog _ .
Dialog beats the crap about of Outlook Express 6.0 .
OE6 can't spell check any fields .
What's worse , It doesn't check the spelling on the fly .
I use a back background so OE6 is sometimes unreadable .
( Because OE6 forces me to use dark fonts )
Worse yet , due to the large size of my tool tips ,
It's damn near impossible for me to even select a field .
What's more ,
I can't change the size of _ All _ the fonts .
( Such as folder names , fields , menus etc. )
Additionally , OE6 can't score like this :
=+100 From {(?-i)Relf}
+1 References {(?-i)Relf>$}
+1 References {(?-i)Relf>(\s*<[^>]+>)?$}
+1 References {(?-i)Relf>(\s*<[^>]+>){0,2}$}
+1 References {(?-i)Relf>(\s*<[^>]+>){0,3}$}
+1 References {(?-i)Relf>(\s*<[^>]+>){0,4}$}
=+99 Score %=5
=+98 Score %=4
=+97 Score %=3
=+96 Score %=2
=+95 Score %=1
=+30 From {(?-i)Marcus Mönnig}
=+20 From {(?-i)Gregory L\. Hansen}
=+10 From {(?-i)bailo|Pmb|\bGauge\b}
+1 From {.}
-1 Subject {(?-i)Re:}
# Comment
-1 From {(?-i)Uncle Al|Spaceman}
-1 Message-ID {(?-i)mb-m\d\d\.aol\.com}
!markread Score %<0