Failed IE6 SP1 Install



How can I remove a failed IE6 SP1 install? I have tried reinstalling Win 2000
pro to go back to IE5 which worked. But I can not install IE6 because it see
a pending install waiting for a reboot. How can I get rid of the failed
install pending reboot? Thanks.

Torgeir Bakken \(MVP\)

Mark said:
How can I remove a failed IE6 SP1 install? I have tried reinstalling
Win 2000 pro to go back to IE5 which worked. But I can not install
IE6 because it see a pending install waiting for a reboot. How can I
get rid of the failed install pending reboot? Thanks.

Start/Run --> regedit.exe

If the RebootRequired key listed below exists in registry, delete
the key.

\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\RebootRequired

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