Fail on Restart

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ryan Riel
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Ryan Riel

When I use the "shutdown" option from the shutdown menu
the system shuts down fine and I can power it off and it
will restart. However when I use the "restart" command
the system will fail while booting with the error message
NTDETECT not found. Is there any reason why the restart
doesn't work while the shutdown option does?


This is a good one.

Probably only thing you can do is to try to update your BIOS.
Or to fill complaint to MB (Device) manufacturer.

The restart works fine with windows 2000 though. So it
doesn't seem to be a bios problem. What do you think?


I don't know what to think.
I had problem as you may find in this NG with Intel 875 MB. It was BIOS
problem that after few reboots was causing blue screen in both XP and XPe.

It was fixed and documented few months later. So I had to flash new BIOS.

Have you tried Windows XP on this device?

No I haven't tried Windows XP. We don't use it much at my
company. I am not running into a blue screen. It simply
reads "NTDETECT failed" in the upper left hand corner of a
black screen. When I press any key it will restart but
only go back to "NTDETECT failed". If I power down from
there it will reboot fine. It seems like a BIOS problem
but I haven't had a chance to talk to the manufacturer.

Thanks for your help

Might not be your problem but worth to check...

You mentioned you got Win2k on the same machine, right?
If so, may it be that you got from Win2K on your boot drive? If
so, replace it by the one from XP Pro/XPe.
The same is applied to ntldr.

This could be the problem.

But I can't remember if XPe can be booted with old ntldr.

The operating systems are on separate drives. I would
imagine that if I had the Win2K ntdetect on my XPE drive
it would never start. It does start fine after a full
power down. When you are speaking of a boot drive are you
refering simply to the partition the OS is on?

Thanks for the help

How do you boot your OS-es.

1. Do you switch cables?
2. In BIOS disk boot order?
3. Multi OS choice from same boot.ini (W2k and XP share same same ntldr and

Some of us use option 3, this is what Konstantin is probably refering to.


Do you use dual-boot (Win2K, XPe)? If so, check your first active primary
partition (it should have ntldr,, boot.ini under root) and
verify these three files are from XPe.
It seems that you have two "OS" partitions, don't you? One with Win2K and
another with XPe.
