FADStats.com Graph


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Even though I deal with all types of graph every single day, I can't for the life of me figure out what the graph means on the team page at www.fadstats.com

Can anyone here figure it out? It doesn't seen to have any proper x axis label that fits!?

This is the last one weeks graph, starting from last Tuesday to this day which is also Tuesday. If you look at the right hand side you will find color coded days of the week and the bars represent the days and what was uploaded in terms of points for that particular day. For each day there are four bars representing the quarter of the day. The four blue bars represent Sunday. Is it making sense now? :)
Ohh... so its split into quarters? That makes sense now :)

Ian Cunningham said:
Ohh... so its split into quarters? That makes sense now :)

LoL, I did say that some time back somewhere ... 12midnight & every 6hours ... watch out for GMT +1 though. ;)

There are a couple more stat sites out there, but non update as often as FADStats ... wonder when they'll get off the backup server.
muckshifter said:
LoL, I did say that some time back somewhere ... 12midnight & every 6hours ... watch out for GMT +1 though. ;)

There are a couple more stat sites out there, but non update as often as FADStats ... wonder when they'll get off the backup server.

FADStats ... wonder when they'll get off the backside and sort the server:( ;)
itsme said:
FADStats ... wonder when they'll get off the backside and sort the server:( ;)
Hold on there ... FADStats is sombody else sever ... not FaD

This page was created by Mike Craft (Wizzard~Of~Ozz ) of Team XPC (2091) for statistical analysis of the contributions made by the projects members.
Ian was looking into "Hosting" a simular page ... it aint that easy to set-up nevermind pay for the Bandwidth. ;)
muckshifter said:
Hold on there ... FADStats is sombody else sever ... not FaD

Ian was looking into "Hosting" a simular page ... it aint that easy to set-up nevermind pay for the Bandwidth. ;)

I stand corrected Mucks!:o whoops:D
itsme said:
I stand corrected Mucks!:o whoops:D
No problem ... we like that one because it 'updates' more often than the others ... :thumb:

Someone also Hosts our Sig thingie ... off their own backs.

We forget, or don't see, what acctally goes on in the background.

To them, we thank you. :thumb:
muckshifter said:
No problem ... we like that one because it 'updates' more often than the others ... :thumb:

Someone also Hosts our Sig thingie ... off their own backs.

We forget, or don't see, what acctally goes on in the background.

To them, we thank you. :thumb:

Here here:thumb: