I have a Canon IP5000 which does a fine job.
I use it for photos and general purpose printing.
I have been refilling with MIS with pretty good
results, but looking for better
I am looking for aftermarket ink that will be as
fade resistant as the Canon ink. After trying several
different brands and reading many reviews I can't
seem to find any as good. Even various vendors
say their ink is not quite as good as Canon.
I am now thinking of getting an IP4200 for photo
printing and using aftermarket ink in the IP5000
for general purpose printing. The IP4200 sells
for about what an set of ink cartridges sell for.
I have even seen new IP4200 for $50 with the
UPC code removed.
In the past I bough 2 IP4200's that were both
DOA. Any suggestions appreciated
I use it for photos and general purpose printing.
I have been refilling with MIS with pretty good
results, but looking for better
I am looking for aftermarket ink that will be as
fade resistant as the Canon ink. After trying several
different brands and reading many reviews I can't
seem to find any as good. Even various vendors
say their ink is not quite as good as Canon.
I am now thinking of getting an IP4200 for photo
printing and using aftermarket ink in the IP5000
for general purpose printing. The IP4200 sells
for about what an set of ink cartridges sell for.
I have even seen new IP4200 for $50 with the
UPC code removed.
In the past I bough 2 IP4200's that were both
DOA. Any suggestions appreciated