
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score

Could this image be a sign Facebook are trying to steer people from writing things like LOL, PMSL, ROFLMA etc, sure you know the rst of them.
Didn't matter who's profile or what picture I tried to write LOL or PMSL everytime I did it showd the bad Param warning..LOL it would be a laugh though. Reading somethings on there some people would be screwed .....

As it happens, Facebook, for me, is totally screwed up over the last few days.

In all the time I've used it - very few probs.

But lately - one fault after another :(
floppybootstomp said:
As it happens, Facebook, for me, is totally screwed up over the last few days.

In all the time I've used it - very few probs.

But lately - one fault after another :(

It's been a nightmare over the last few days for me to. Tonight been the worst I think. I use it mostly to keep in contact with me ma and sisters in SA, if it were not for them, I think I might quite easily have deleted tonight. Also all those pesky applications you constantly get inivtes for are driving me bonkers. A programmer mate of mine, says in his opinion this what is causing quite a lot of the problems on FB..Ah well..
That'll be it then - 'all those pesky applications you constantly receive invites for' - I've had a fair few of those (mostly) stupid things lately.

I do suspect they're messing things up.
Was much the same with Myspace years ago, All was good till they started adding applications, and thats when the viruses etc started happening...
wizkid said:
Been having problems with facebook for a few days now lots of errors coming up.

As I mentioned to Sir Flopps, my mate says that all the applications are having an effect, also Facebook use their own Mark up Language FBMl which some outside developers are stuggling with. I have found also since I started using open dns FB has been laods better..Also ran a thing V_R linked to in abother thread about clearing Firefox database and that seems to have helped.
Yeah, I've been getting a lot of Facebook errors recently. It's been really flakey!!