Can it? Good grief.
So what? You is all paranoid. Anything on the internet, is, by definition, public property. Never mind laws, the internet may be the last bastion of anarchy - there are no laws.
paranoid? Yes but also safe.
So what's somebody going to do if they find out your address? Come round and kill you? I think not.
Come and spy on you, tie you up, attack you or yes kill you. Not everyone is liked in this world. We all have haters.
Then don't. Just say something like 'You was a pillock then and you are probably still a pillock. Go away and leave me alone unless, by some strange chance, you can enrich my life. You've got 5 minutes to convince me.'
Like it, might give it a go. But in this case I ignore their friend request.
Depends on the details. Everything I have on Facebook, anybody can have, I couldn't care less. Just what makes you think somebody is going to be that interested in you anyway?
Not just me I was talking for a lot of people that have had problems on the site. Simple don't put out information that is too personal.
Probably nobody
well that's debatable Flopps. I have just removed some information. Is that still mean nobody?