Eye-pleasing Access Forms

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My forms look hokey and overworked. Where could I see examples of
eye-pleasing forms that I could model mine from? Are there guidelines around
on this subject?
Dan said:
My forms look hokey and overworked. Where could I see examples of
eye-pleasing forms that I could model mine from? Are there guidelines
on this subject?

Microsoft Press has published at least a couple of design guides for the
Windows interface. I don't know if any are in print at MS Press now, though.
I'm convinced that they were never "required reading" at Microsoft.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

The temptation for beginners is to use every colour they can find, plus
pictures and animations, and so on. Another great mess-maker is to place on
the form every field you're ever likely to want.

The basic rule-of-thumb is the KISS principle. Keep the user interface
simple and logically ordered!

Use standard colours, control heights and font styles/sizes. Group controls
into logical "chunks" of 5-7 items, but no more than 9. Show the user only
what they are able to use at that time.

As Larry and Klatuu said, there are many examples and references on the net
and in books. Visit your local technical bookshop and pick up a book on User
Interface Design Principles, or if you're game, Human-Computer Interaction

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Canberra, Australia