Extranet setup



I am trying to setup an extranet to allow certain
customers access to view crystal reports working of the
live database. The trouble is that I have the web server
sat in a DMZ off ISA server and the live database sat on
the LAN. How can I allow these customers access to view
the desired report via their web browser as the web
server will need to access the LAN for authentication.
At present I have all this setup but am worried about
security. All access is gained via VPN and Radius is
being used against the DC on my LAN (does this also mean
that I need an NT license for each customer??) Is there
a way to allow customers secure access to the web server
whilst allowing the web server to access the LAN to
authenticate with the DC and database server?? If not
please could you point me to somewhere where I can find
out how to set this up.

Thank you in advance....

Brian Oakes [MSFT]

If I understand the conf correctly, it looks like you are probably doing a
server publish to the internal database.

What you might want to try is to move the web server behind ISA, and then do
either a server or web publish to the web server. At that point the whole
web server is secure and you will be authenticating against the dc's

Just an idea :)


Best regards,
Brian Oakes, MCSE
Microsoft Product Support

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