Extraction of a certain data from text file

  • Thread starter Thread starter little_rascals
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Hi, I do not really have a good knowledge of reading and understandin
codes. Therefore, I seriously need some help here!!

First of all, I have this access database which consists of 6 differen
tables. The fields in these 6 tables do not consist of any primary key
and the 6 tables do not have any relationships. Is it advisable to us
Microsoft Access in this case when the 6 tables are not able to for
any relationships because they are not related to each other in an

The data in the 6 tables come from importing of data from 6 differen
text files. I am able to import those data from the text files into th
various tables. However, in each text file, there is a heading whic
includes the text file title and the date. I do not need to import th
title of the text file but i need the date to be imported into th
tables as well. Can anyone tell me how i can extract the date from th
text file to be input into 1 of the fields in the table?
Hi, I do not really have a good knowledge of reading and understanding
codes. Therefore, I seriously need some help here!!

First of all, I have this access database which consists of 6 different
tables. The fields in these 6 tables do not consist of any primary keys
and the 6 tables do not have any relationships. Is it advisable to use
Microsoft Access in this case when the 6 tables are not able to form
any relationships because they are not related to each other in any

Is the INFORMATION in the tables related at all? Is there any need to
compare of combine any given row in one table with one or more rows in
some other table? Or are these just unrelated bits of data, like the
sports section and the auto sales classifieds in the newspaper?

If you don't have primary keys and you don't have relationships... you
don't really have a database.
The data in the 6 tables come from importing of data from 6 different
text files. I am able to import those data from the text files into the
various tables. However, in each text file, there is a heading which
includes the text file title and the date. I do not need to import the
title of the text file but i need the date to be imported into the
tables as well. Can anyone tell me how i can extract the date from the
text file to be input into 1 of the fields in the table??

You would need to write some (not terribly difficult, but
case-specific) VBA code to open each text file, extract the
information (such as the date) in the header, and insert it into the
table. But unless you have relational tables, I don't see that this
gets you much further along!

What are these tables, and how are you intending to use them? What is
Access intended to accomplish for you?