The real problem with this is that you've combined 2 fields into one.
Measurement should be a calculated unbound field that is the concatenation
of 2 fields from your table (ex. a [Length] and a [Width])
I would strongly reccomend that if you are still in the development stage
with this database, create 2 fields to hold those example values. (Length =
25 and Width = 3 or Length = 3 and Width = 98)
Then it's a simple matter to concatenate Measurement...
= [Length] & "mm X " & [Width] & "mm"
Given your value of "25 X 3" you'll have to use this to properly
=Left([Num1],InStr([Num1],"X")-2) & "mm X " &
Mid([Num1],InStr([Num1],"X")+2) & "mm"
to yield "25mm X 3mm" and "3mm X 98mm"
Al Camp