Extracting settings from config file outside 'ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings'

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HI there,

My machine.config contains the following setting.

I want to extract the value for max request length.
I started using 'ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig
("system.web/httpRuntime")' which I thought should return
what I am after.

All code example I have seen use something along the lines
of '(NameValueCollection)ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig
When I try to run 'NameValueCollection httpRun =
I get an Invalid cast exception.

Running just 'ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig
("system.web/httpRuntime")' in the immediate window
returns the following:
DefaultExecutionTimeout: 90
DefaultMaxRequestLength: 4194304
DefaultMinFreeThreads: 8
DefaultMinLocalRequestFreeThreads: 4
DefaultAppRequestQueueLimit: 100
DefaultShutdownTimeout: 10
DefaultDelayNotificationTimeout: 5
_executionTimeout: 90
_maxRequestLength: 41943040
_useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl: false
_minFreeThreads: 8
_minLocalRequestFreeThreads: 4
_appRequestQueueLimit: 100
_shutdownTimeout: 10
_delayNotificationTimeout: 5
ExecutionTimeout: 90
MaxRequestLength: 41943040
UseFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl: false
MinFreeThreads: 8
MinLocalRequestFreeThreads: 4
AppRequestQueueLimit: 100
ShutdownTimeout: 10
DelayNotificationTimeout: 5

So I tried to declare a variable of
type: 'System.Web.Configuration.HttpRuntimeConfig'
The compiler then throws an error saying
that 'System.Web.Configuration.HttpRuntimeConfig' its
access level.

May be I'm barking at the wrong tree and there is an
object somewhere that retruns the value I am after?
You can just load up the config file into an XML document (since it is plain
XML) and then GetElementsByTagName(httpRuntime), iterating through the
returned collection (which should only have one entry, unless you define
this elsewhere) and grab the attribute from the element. I have not heard of
a method to get at data in the system.web portion - although my lack of
knowledge does not mean it doesn't exist, I finally gave up and started
doing it manually.
Thanks for the reply.

I would know haw to do what you are describing, but it
seems too complicated to ject get one value from a config

Nice to know I'm not the only one having a problem with
something that seems quite basic.


It is actually exceptionally easy to get one value from a config value, if
it's an application variable. I suspect it's equally easy to do so for the
application config values, and that the means to do so is buried in the
classes in that name space where the documentation merely states that it is
designed to be used by the framework alone, and hence is undocumented.
However, it's generally dangerous to play around with undocumented APIs
because they have a nasty habit of changing on you (and you can't say you
weren't warned, so they don't even feel bad about it - nor should they).

However, you shouldn't be frightened by working with the XML. Here is a
snippet I wrote to pull from web.config:

System.Xml.XmlDocument myConfig = new XmlDocument();
System.Xml.XmlNodeList authNodeList =
Response.Write("mode: " + authNodeList[0].Attributes["mode"].Value +
Response.Write("stateConnectionString: " +
authNodeList[0].Attributes["stateConnectionString"].Value + "<br/>");
Response.Write("sqlConnectionString: " +
authNodeList[0].Attributes["sqlConnectionString"].Value + "<br/>");
Response.Write("cookieless: " +
authNodeList[0].Attributes["cookieless"].Value + "<br/>");
Response.Write("timeout: " + authNodeList[0].Attributes["timeout"].Value +

This pulls all of the attributes present in the default sessionState
element, and doing so would be similar for the httpRuntime element. It's
only 3 lines of setup code, and then as many lines of fetch code as
attributes you are interested in reading. If you haven't played with the XML
libraries, it's worth the time to get your feet wet.
Here is another way to search through the web.config using System.Xml and XPat

Dim intTimeout As Intege
Dim myConfig As New System.Xml.XmlDocument(
Dim root As System.Xml.XmlElement = myConfig.DocumentElemen
Dim formsNode As System.Xml.XmlNode = root.SelectSingleNode("/configuration/system.web/authentication[translate(@mode,'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')='FORMS']/forms[@timeout]"
If Not formsNode Is Nothing AndAlso Not formsNode.Attributes("timeout") Is Nothing AndAlso IsNumeric(formsNode.Attributes("timeout").Value) The
intTimeout = CType(formsNode.Attributes("timeout").Value, Integer
End If