Extracting for calculations



I am setting up a standard for my office. I have electrical schedules on
multiple worksheets, and i would like to create another worksheet that would
automatically pull information from specifics cell on all the other
worksheets so i can run a calculation.

Bernard Liengme

Can you please be a little more specific?
A formula such as =Sheet2!A1 will return whatever values is in A1 of Sheet2
to the cell holding the formula
best wishes


For This one project i had 35 worksheets that i would need to grab
information from 5 specific cells so that i can add or multiply certain
factors. I know the formula =Sheet2!A1 would do the job, but with so many it
is time consuming. What i am looking for is maybe a macro that will pull all
the information to one location so i can calculate what i need to.

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