I am trying to take data out of a recordset I pulled from
Access (using SQL)
In VB 6, the code looked like:
Variable = Recordset!field_from_access_table
For Example: intActionIdentifier = rsAction!item_identifier
In VB. Net I get the error:
Too many arguments to 'Public Overridable ReadOnly Default
Property Fields() as ADODB.Fields
How do I pull this data without errors?
Access (using SQL)
In VB 6, the code looked like:
Variable = Recordset!field_from_access_table
For Example: intActionIdentifier = rsAction!item_identifier
In VB. Net I get the error:
Too many arguments to 'Public Overridable ReadOnly Default
Property Fields() as ADODB.Fields
How do I pull this data without errors?