My company has a restriction on the size of our mailboxes. I have
accepted some invites or meeting requests in the past that have
attachements associated with them, but can't remember for the life of
me where those are at!!!!! So now I am very close to my limit on my
mailbox and although I clean all sent items and outbox and inbox,
constantly, the calendar seems to have the most amount of space (27meg
out of 30 meg allowed)... So I am constantly being reminded that I am
over and I can't accept or send files over 3 meg.... very painful...
I am looking for an easy way to figure out where those attachments are
instead of going through my calendar for last few months by day to
figure out where those darn attachements are hiding....
I tried a few tools on the web with no luck, they only work on email
folders... So if you have that magic software or solution please let
me know..... My last choice is to go and figure out how the .Net
framework will allow me to dig into my outlook calendar, through
outlook... OH FUN...
Thanks for any help
My company has a restriction on the size of our mailboxes. I have
accepted some invites or meeting requests in the past that have
attachements associated with them, but can't remember for the life of
me where those are at!!!!! So now I am very close to my limit on my
mailbox and although I clean all sent items and outbox and inbox,
constantly, the calendar seems to have the most amount of space (27meg
out of 30 meg allowed)... So I am constantly being reminded that I am
over and I can't accept or send files over 3 meg.... very painful...
I am looking for an easy way to figure out where those attachments are
instead of going through my calendar for last few months by day to
figure out where those darn attachements are hiding....
I tried a few tools on the web with no luck, they only work on email
folders... So if you have that magic software or solution please let
me know..... My last choice is to go and figure out how the .Net
framework will allow me to dig into my outlook calendar, through
outlook... OH FUN...
Thanks for any help