I have a multi-select list box with the column count property set to 2
The program (before loading the form) sets the range name 'Contractors' to
cover two columns: The contractors' names and their respective VAT
registration numbers.
The form loads Rowsource with Factors!Contractors and shows the names of the
contractors and their VAT registration numbers. So far so good.
The user is asked to select one (or more) contractors.
I am trying to get the routine below to load the two (Public) string arrays:
Contractor(xx) and VatRegistration(xx) with the values wherever a
selection(s) is made:
Extract from the 'Run' button code:
Private Sub cmdRun_Click()
Dim i As Integer
LBoxContractors.BoundColumn = 1
LBoxContractors.TextColumn = 2
If LBoxContractors.ListIndex <> -1 Then
For i = 0 To LBoxContractors.ListCount - 1
If LBoxContractors.Selected(i) Then
Contractor(i) = LBoxContractors.List(i)
VatRegistration(i) = LBoxContractors.Text
End If
Next i
End If
End sub
The Contractor(i) loads up fine but the VatRegistration(i) has just a NUL
string (""). Can't seem to be able to assign the value in the 2nd column.
Any help or suggestions or ideas or better ways of doing this would be most
Thanks in advance,
Peter Bircher
The program (before loading the form) sets the range name 'Contractors' to
cover two columns: The contractors' names and their respective VAT
registration numbers.
The form loads Rowsource with Factors!Contractors and shows the names of the
contractors and their VAT registration numbers. So far so good.
The user is asked to select one (or more) contractors.
I am trying to get the routine below to load the two (Public) string arrays:
Contractor(xx) and VatRegistration(xx) with the values wherever a
selection(s) is made:
Extract from the 'Run' button code:
Private Sub cmdRun_Click()
Dim i As Integer
LBoxContractors.BoundColumn = 1
LBoxContractors.TextColumn = 2
If LBoxContractors.ListIndex <> -1 Then
For i = 0 To LBoxContractors.ListCount - 1
If LBoxContractors.Selected(i) Then
Contractor(i) = LBoxContractors.List(i)
VatRegistration(i) = LBoxContractors.Text
End If
Next i
End If
End sub
The Contractor(i) loads up fine but the VatRegistration(i) has just a NUL
string (""). Can't seem to be able to assign the value in the 2nd column.
Any help or suggestions or ideas or better ways of doing this would be most
Thanks in advance,
Peter Bircher