Extract multiple numbers from a cell

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Here are some examples of text with multiple numbers embedded:
A1 = 3031 // 2841;1886-ring road location
A2 = 3305 //1455-historical
A3 = //3491;3492
A4 = //inactive location; historical = 1790; enter new locaion

Result should be:
B1 = 3031;2841;1886
B2 = 3305;1455
B3 = 3491;3492
B4 = 1790
Try this UDF (User Defined function). From workbook launch VBE using Alt+F11.
From menu Insert a Module and paste the below function.Close and get back to
workbook and try the below formula.


Function ExtractNumbers(strData As String) As String
Dim intTemp As Integer, strChr As String
For intTemp = 1 To Len(strData)
strChr = Asc(Mid(strData, intTemp, 1))
Select Case strChr
Case 48 To 57
ExtractNumbers = ExtractNumbers & Mid(strData, intTemp, 1)
Case 47, 59
If ExtractNumbers <> "" Then
If Right(ExtractNumbers, 1) <> ";" And Right(ExtractNumbers, 1) <> "/"
ExtractNumbers = ExtractNumbers & ";"
End If
End If
End Select
If Not IsNumeric(Right(ExtractNumbers, 1)) Then
ExtractNumbers = Left(ExtractNumbers, Len(ExtractNumbers) - 1)
End If
End Function
If you have (line break) issues with the previous code ; try the below version

Function ExtractNumbers(strData As String) As String
Dim intTemp As Integer, strChr As String
For intTemp = 1 To Len(strData)
strChr = Asc(Mid(strData, intTemp, 1))
Select Case strChr
Case 48 To 57
ExtractNumbers = ExtractNumbers & Mid(strData, intTemp, 1)
Case 47, 59
If ExtractNumbers <> "" Then
If Right(ExtractNumbers, 1) <> ";" And Right(ExtractNumbers, 1) _
<> "/" Then ExtractNumbers = ExtractNumbers & ";"
End If
End Select
If Not IsNumeric(Right(ExtractNumbers, 1)) Then
ExtractNumbers = Left(ExtractNumbers, Len(ExtractNumbers) - 1)
End If
End Function
VBA is the better solution if it is allowed by your administrator, otherwise
it is possible if you use 2 helper columns per figure required. e.g:

in C1:


in D1:


in E1:


Now copy D1 to F1, then copy E1:F1 to G1:H1 (as far along as required), and
copy C1:H1 as far down as required.

In J1:


extending this formula as far as you require.

I originally tried getting this to work without helper columns, but even
getting the first figure out of each case results in a ridiculous formula.

For the record:
