Extract Icon

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben
  • Start date Start date


I am looking for a way to extraxt an icon from a .exe file an save it as an
icon not a bitmap or jpeg to a file?

The code below extracts the icon but only as a bitmap

PictureBox1.Image =

The problem is I need the icon not the bitmap.
Dim x As Integer = 1
'img is an imagelist
For Each ico As Image In img.Images
x = x + 1
pb1.Image = ico
ico.Save(apath & "icones\" & IO.Path.GetFileName(fil) & x &
".ico", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Icon)
Hi Gillard

I know your code can work. but for some reason it is not working for me.
I added an imagelist
But what is "apath"
What is "fil"

When I ran your code, i used "c:\mydir" for "apath" and the path for
winword for "fil", I get a new page icon instead of the winword icon in the

Also for me to get anything at all I first had to run code to put the icon
into the imagelist and the picturebox
Here is the code I used to put the icon into the image list:

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
Dim ico As Icon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(the path for
ImageList1.ImageSize = New Size(24, 24)

Dim theGraphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(Me.Handle)

For count = 0 To ImageList1.Images.Count - 1

ImageList1.Draw(theGraphics, New Point(24, 24), count)

' Call Application.DoEvents to force a repaint of the form.

' Call the Sleep method to allow the user to see the image.

I am sorry, but I think I need a some more help on this...please
Hi there
Sorry to say, but for some reason I still have not seen the attachment, and
it is something I really need to take a look at.
I think it maybe bacause I was using IE 8.2 Beta. I am back to using IE 7.0
now. So, I am asking that you resend the attachment one last time for me
I wonder if some news servers do not allow attachments for this group? I
saw at least one of the earlier attachments. I use news.microsoft.com for
this newsgroup. It's free - so if that's not the server you use to see this
newsgroup I recommend that you try it.

Use a news reader exemple Windows Live Mail
protocol NNTP
port : 119
server: msnews.microsoft.com
the attachment is there