Extract full path given filename


Kim J.

Is there a way to extract the full file path into a
message box given just the file name? For example, if I
entered "Testfile.xls" into an input box, I would like
Excel to go out and find the path. It would then return a
message box that says something like:


I've tried . . .

Sub FindPath()
Dim MyFile As String
MyFile = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
MsgBox MyFile
End Sub

but it only works for the active workbook. I would like
to enter any file name and have it return the correct path.

Trevor Shuttleworth


I guess one way would be:

Debug.Print ActiveWorkbook.Path
Debug.Print ActiveWorkbook.Name
Debug.Print ActiveWorkbook.FullName



David McRitchie

Hi Kim,
Excel can have only one workbook open with a given filename,
and you could efficiently provide the full pathname for that (I'm sure),
but you want Excel to search your entire hard drive, for filenames
holding up Excel for a search that could take a while and could
produce more than one file. So I think you need some rethinking.
On a network drive you'd kind of be hit and miss as you would only
have access to your files that you are allowed to see the filenames.

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