I get an email attachment from a program. I extract this
into word, adjust the margins, set to lanscape (so that
the figures line up) and save it. I then open it in excel
(fixed length extract) and save it. I then import it into
Can I simplify this process? I have already created
macros in word and excel and access. The part I have not
figured out yet is how to extract from the e-mail without
manual intervention. Also, is there a better way of
acheiving the same results?
into word, adjust the margins, set to lanscape (so that
the figures line up) and save it. I then open it in excel
(fixed length extract) and save it. I then import it into
Can I simplify this process? I have already created
macros in word and excel and access. The part I have not
figured out yet is how to extract from the e-mail without
manual intervention. Also, is there a better way of
acheiving the same results?