This needs to be converted to VB.NET but here is a function which will
return any part of the URL depending on the strPart.
At least the logic is there for you to deal use.
Regards - OHM#
Function ParseURL(strURL, strPart)
'descr: parses a portion of a url
'strURL: the URL to parse
'strPart: the part to get. Allowed values are:
' protocol, server, domain, path, file, hash, query
Dim arrTemp
Dim strTemp
Dim nPos
On Error Resume Next
Select Case strPart
Case "protocol"
'return the protocol, eg.
http://, ftp://
nPos = InStr(strURL, ":") + 1
Do Until (Mid(strURL, nPos, 1) <> "/") And (Mid(strURL, nPos, 1) <>
nPos = nPos + 1
ParseURL = Left(strURL, nPos - 1)
Case "server"
'return the server, eg.
strTemp = ParseURL(strURL, "protocol")
strURL = Right(strURL, Len(strURL) - Len(strTemp))
If InStr(strURL, "/") Then
strTemp = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL, "/") - 1)
ElseIf InStr(strURL, "\") Then
strTemp = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL, "\") - 1)
End If
If InStr(strTemp, "@") Then
'remove user/password combo, return only the server
ParseURL = Right(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - InStr(strTemp, "@"))
ParseURL = strTemp
End If
Case "domain"
'return only the domain, eg.,, etc
strTemp = ParseURL(strURL, "server")
arrTemp = Split(strTemp, ".")
ParseURL = arrTemp(UBound(arrTemp) - 1) & "." &
Case "path"
'return the path
If InStr(strURL, "#") Then strURL = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL,
"#") - 1)
If InStr(strURL, "?") Then strURL = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL,
"?") - 1)
If InStrRev(strURL, "/") > InStrRev(strURL, "\") Then
ParseURL = Left(strURL, InStrRev(strURL, "/"))
ElseIf InStrRev(strURL, "\") > InStrRev(strURL, "/") Then
ParseURL = Left(strURL, InStrRev(strURL, "\"))
End If
Case "file"
'return the filename only
If InStr(strURL, "#") Then strURL = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL,
"#") - 1)
If InStr(strURL, "?") Then strURL = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL,
"?") - 1)
If InStrRev(strURL, "/") > InStrRev(strURL, "\") Then
ParseURL = Right(strURL, Len(strURL) - InStrRev(strURL, "/"))
ElseIf InStrRev(strURL, "\") > InStrRev(strURL, "/") Then
ParseURL = Right(strURL, Len(strURL) - InStrRev(strURL, "\"))
End If
Case "hash"
'return the bookmark (hash) without the hash mark
If InStr(strURL, "#") Then
arrTemp = Split(strURL, "#")
strTemp = arrTemp(UBound(arrTemp))
If InStr(strTemp, "?") Then
ParseURL = Left(strTemp, InStr(strTemp, "?") - 1)
ParseURL = strTemp
End If
ParseURL = ""
End If
Case "query"
'return the query string without the question mark
If InStr(strURL, "?") Then
arrTemp = Split(strURL, "?")
strTemp = arrTemp(UBound(arrTemp))
If InStr(strTemp, "#") Then
ParseURL = Left(strTemp, InStr(strTemp, "#") - 1)
ParseURL = strTemp
End If
ParseURL = ""
End If
End Select
If Err.Number <> 0 Then ParseURL = ""
End Function
Alex said:
I have a var-sized URL passed into my method. I need to trim it, so
instead of :
"", I ended up with "MyDomain". The size of the
initial string is not fixed. IndexOf wouldn't work, because different
domain names are passed every time. I think, I need to use RegEx, but
maybe there is some trick that I just didn't think of. Please, advise.
Thanks in advance,
--Alex Ayzin
Regards - OHM# (e-mail address removed)