Extract Data from CFormview "View" class

  • Thread starter Thread starter jloxsom
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Hi all...

New user new to VC++.

I've used the AppWizard to create an SDI with the CFormclass. The
"View" file is a dialog. I want to create a few EditBoxes, associate
member variables to them, and write them to a file (and retrieve them

The "Doc" file contains the "serialize" function that looks perfect
for this App, but I'm having trouble pointing to the "View" data.

I'd appreciate an example



Posted at:
I've used the AppWizard to create an SDI with the CFormclass. The
"View" file is a dialog. I want to create a few EditBoxes, associate
member variables to them, and write them to a file (and retrieve them

The "Doc" file contains the "serialize" function that looks perfect
for this App, but I'm having trouble pointing to the "View" data.

The "link" between the document and view is the CView method
GetDocument(). From any method of your view, you can access your
document class by calling GetDocument.

For a general MFC doc/view tutorial, you should work through the
scribble sample. You might want to have a read of the MSDN topic
titled "Document/View Architecture" too.
