Extract Backround from Template?



I'm looking for a way to extract the backround from a .pot (template)I
have downloaded from MSN.

I have tried Format menu...Backround...then clkd the dropdown arrow
and selected Fill Effects...then Picture Tab and Select Picture...then
navigate to file location...but then change <file type> to all files
so the dialog box displays the template I want the backround from.
Then a another dialog box comes up saying "convert from file of
type...with a dropdown list of file types and "Windows Enhanced
Metafile" already selected.

When I click Ok, an generic error dialog comes up saying there's an
error importing this thing.
My question for the knowledgable masses is...am I smoking the drapes?
Is what I am attempting even possible?

If anyone has a workaround for this I would be grateful.


Bill Dilworth

There are a couple of ways to get this done.

1) Find the picture/background and save to file. Right click on the
background image. Either 'Save picture as ...' or 'Save background as ...'
should be one of your options.

2) If these do not work, both on the Slide level and the Master Slide level,
then you may just want to do a screen capture of the image and save that.
Start the show on a blank slide so the background image fills the screen,
then capture the screens image to a file. I recently acquired Snag-it and
it does these screen captures simply and beautifully.

As always, observe all copyright or similar laws when using someone else's

Bill Dilworth, Microsoft PPT MVP
Please spend a few minutes checking vestprog2@
out www.pptfaq.com This link will yahoo.
answer most of our questions, before com
you think to ask them.

Change org to com to defuse anti-spam,
ant-virus, anti-nuisance misdirection.


How do the drapes taste? Your method won't work. You'll have better luck
if you just open the POT file in PowerPoint, go to View > Master and
customize it to meet your needs for text, etc. Then save it as a Design
Template (*.POT) with a name of your choosing. Now open a new presentation
and go to Format > Slide Design and pick the new template file you created
and apply it.

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