"Mark M" tries to protect "Folkert's" identity:
"Mark M" Path:
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.storage
Subject: Re: Extra HD an extravagance?
From: Mark M <
[email protected]>
References: <
[email protected]>
[email protected]>
[email protected]>
[email protected]>
[email protected]>
[email protected]>
[email protected]> Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004
13:55:19 +0100 Message-ID: <
[email protected]>
X-No-Archive: yes
Lines: 59
Organization: Unlimited download news at news.astraweb.com
NNTP-Posting-Host: 8cc288ed.news.astraweb.com
X::1TjkmobaOAJ[ei d`2^F]_BcS0g
Xref: number1.nntp.ash.giganews.com
Tim, I hope this helps:
You may be overlooking that the newserver at the Free
Univiversity of Berlin identifies its posters by a unique
reference number in one of the headers.
Folkert has long posted with the same ID number as the one
which appears in the header of the message which you
mistakenly attribute to Rod.
That is why I said: "Hmmmm, Tim, this is going to get
complicated and all because you didn't look particularly
closely at the headers". The next thing you know might happen
is that Rod tells you in his robust way to restrain making him
the subject of your false accustations, and Folkert meanwhile
tells you he is not Rod but you then think that that poster
actually is Rod and you might feel you need to reply robustly
to whom you mistakenly think is Rod with the result that
Folkert, who can look after himself, gets upset by you and
tell you what he thinks of your comments to him ... etc, etc,
It's a recipe for confusion. As I said, "this is going to get
complicated and all because you didn't look particularly
closely at the headers".
Cut the crap, "Mark". The only confusion is the confusion
you're trying to introduce through your efforts to protect
"Folkert's" identity. The news server at Free University of
Berlin just puts the IP adrs of the user in its NNTP headers.
That IP adrs is simply the IP adrs assigned by the user's ISP.
And since Rod Speed's handler was severely embarrassed a
couple years ago by his headers which revealed that he was
actually several other "posters" as well, he went out and
started up several ISP accounts, and "Folkert" was assigned to
do his posting through the Free U. of Berlin's free news
server via his new "Dutch" ISP account.
And that is the reason *you* are now putting "No-Archive: yes"
in your headers.