1. Open the file in code after exporting and chop off the extra line.
2. Skip the wizard and export it yourself.
Sample code:
Here is one way to export data to a fixed width file without the wizard:
Some advantages include easy updating of a spec change, easy exporting of
leading zeroes (notoriously difficult by the way) and a simple trick for
right justifying data.
Sub ExportData(strExportFile As String)
'strExportFile is the full path and name where you would like to create
and save the output file
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim strData As String
Dim intFileNum As Integer
'get file handle and open for output
intFileNum = FreeFile()
'opens the disk file
Open strExportFile For Output As #intFileNum
'open the recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("MyTableOrQueryName", dbOpenSnapshot)
'the numbered comments show the fixed width positions
With rs
Do Until .EOF
'this will pad the end of the field with spaces
strData = ![key] & Space(11 - Len(![key])) '1-11
strData = strData & ![TransType] '12
'this is how to right justify an entry
strData = strData & Space(14 - Len(Format(![Qty], "0.0000"))) &
Format(![QtyRcv], "0.0000") '13-26
strData = strData & Format(![TransDate], "mm/dd/yyyy") '27-36
strData = strData & Format(![Date1], "mm/dd/yyyy") '37-46
strData = strData & Format(![Date2], "mm/dd/yyyy") '47-56
strData = strData & Format(![Date3], "mm/dd/yyyy") '57-66
strData = strData & Format(![Date4], "mm/dd/yyyy") '67-76
strData = strData & ![Num] & Space(10 - Len(![Num])) '77-86
strData = strData & ![Status] '87
strData = strData & ![Reason] '88
'write out to file
Print #intFileNum, strData
End With
Close #intFileNum
Set rs = Nothing
MsgBox (strExportFile & " has been created.")
End Sub
Joe Fallon
Access MVP
sstrauss said:
I am exporting data from an Access 2000 table to a CSV file for upload to
an AS400 application. For some reason the file always has a blank record at
the end which causes the AS400 import to reject the file. To solve this I
have to manually edit the file before uploading.