I have bought a IDE to USB bridge box to use an older 80Gb DiamondPlus
9 HDD from Maxtor as external USB drive.
I formatted under Windows ME with the drive still in the computer
Then I put the drive in the box housing and connected via USB to the
same computer which recognised nicely as USB drive.
Now I wanted to backup some files from my portable Thinkpad running
under XP Professional. Here the drive was not recognised, instead I was
asked if I wanted to format the drive. The format shwed that I could
possibly format a 31,4GB drive, far away from the 80GB capacity of the
Who can help?
I have bought a IDE to USB bridge box to use an older 80Gb DiamondPlus
9 HDD from Maxtor as external USB drive.
I formatted under Windows ME with the drive still in the computer
Then I put the drive in the box housing and connected via USB to the
same computer which recognised nicely as USB drive.
Now I wanted to backup some files from my portable Thinkpad running
under XP Professional. Here the drive was not recognised, instead I was
asked if I wanted to format the drive. The format shwed that I could
possibly format a 31,4GB drive, far away from the 80GB capacity of the
Who can help?