External Query questions


Bryan Dickerson

Using Excel 2003, I'm trying to populate a spreadsheet with a simple ODBC
query that has some user-friendly column names in the query, but
unfortunately, they won't show up in the spreadsheet. I've done
spreadsheets populated by Stored Procs before with no problems on the column
names, but this seems a bit odd. Is it more likely an ODBC or an Excel



Hey Bryan
If your getting data but no column names, it sounds like you need to edit
your External Data Range Properties. To do that simply right click on the
upper most left cell on your new data sheet. Choose' data range properties'
and check off 'include field names'
that should do it for ya!


Bryan Dickerson

Thanks, but I actually had found shortly after I posted the original note.
Unfortunately, it makes the query ignore the 'user friendly' column names
and uses the database column names. So I guess that would get me closer,
but I want to use my names. Any other ideas?


Data properties should read like this.
Save Query
Save Password
Enable background refresh
Preserve Clumn Sort/filter layout
Preserve cell formatting
Insert cells for new data, delete unused cells

Bring the data back on the 3rd row. WHen the data comes back you wont have
any column names. Add the USER FRIENDLY names after the data has come back.
double check your external data range properties and save the worksheet.
When you refresh the data will change but the column names will stay the

Bryan Dickerson

I'll give it a shot. thanx!

Gary R said:
Data properties should read like this.
Save Query
Save Password
Enable background refresh
Preserve Clumn Sort/filter layout
Preserve cell formatting
Insert cells for new data, delete unused cells

Bring the data back on the 3rd row. WHen the data comes back you wont have
any column names. Add the USER FRIENDLY names after the data has come
double check your external data range properties and save the worksheet.
When you refresh the data will change but the column names will stay the

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