Recently, I've been trying to get some data off a few 5.25" floppies I
have. I found out that there was an External IBM PC 5.25" Drive
created in the 1980s. However, it has a 37-pin male connector. A
37-pin female connector is not found on modern PCs. Is it possible to
buy something such as an adapter that one can connect the 37-pin male
connector to a parallel port adapter and then hook the device into the
parallel port? Or would this create all sorts of problems? If it
helps, I'm running Windows XP Home Edition but also have access to the
first version of Windows 98.
Recently, I've been trying to get some data off a few 5.25" floppies I
have. I found out that there was an External IBM PC 5.25" Drive
created in the 1980s. However, it has a 37-pin male connector. A
37-pin female connector is not found on modern PCs. Is it possible to
buy something such as an adapter that one can connect the 37-pin male
connector to a parallel port adapter and then hook the device into the
parallel port? Or would this create all sorts of problems? If it
helps, I'm running Windows XP Home Edition but also have access to the
first version of Windows 98.