Jim Cladingboel said:
Following the Avast disaster with the

elf-MZG trojan I have managed
to repair most of the damage. However
Disk Management now can't find my second
and most important EHDD. It appears to
be running but Start/Run/K:\ brings an
'unspecified path' message.
EHDD is a Seagate Free Agent 500GB
only 11 months old and changing the USB
slot made no difference.
Running WinXP Home/SP3 and IE8, and
would appreciate help and advice.
Thanks, Jim.
----- Original Message -----
From: "turbo" <
[email protected]>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 8:50 PM
Subject: Re: External HDD not shown in My Computer
Start the computer with the hard drive disconnected , unplug the USB lead.
Once running , plug in the USB lead and leave for a minute, does anything
try to install , and then abort ?
Try START -> CONTROL PANEL -> ADD HARDWARE and run thru that, that will
sometimes nudge the installation to work.
right click on the top ICON ( the name of the computer) SCAN FOR HARDWARE
CHANGES and click that.
Alternatively follow the last line and is there anything showing in the
categories listed with a yellow or red mark against it- Post results.
Many thanks, but all of the above failed to establish
contact with Drive K. My setup is C,D,E,F,G & H
on primary disk. I:\ is 160GB EHDD, J:\ is virtual CD
and K: is the missing item. Nothing started to install.
All attempts via Control Panel and Disk Management
brought no result, and there are no yellow or red marks
against any item in Device Manager. Start/Run K:\
produces no result, but while on view, below that entry
appears "file:///K:/backup_D/TGTC_XP.PDF"
Clicking on this brings up the 'specified file does not
exist' message, but "Backup_D" is one of several
similar backups on that missing disk.
I used a USB View utility to display the various
connections:- 8 Host Controllers, 3 Composite
Devices and 1 Mass Storage. When I switched
off my printer, a Composite Device disappeared.
Beyond that, I am totally stuck !